naokitomizuka is a Japanese fashion brand established in 2020 by designer Naoki Tomizuka.

naokitomizuka is a Japanese fashion brand established in 2020 by designer Naoki Tomizuka.

naokitomizuka is a Japanese fashion brand established in 2020 by designer Naoki Tomizuka. The designer, who has over 10 years of experience as a pattern maker at Comme des Garçons, is creating his collections fusioning advanced pattern techniques and original textiles. After graduating from a fashion school in Japan, Tomizuka moved to France and gained experience at MARC LE BIHAN. After returning to Japan, he joined Comme des Garçons in 2003 and was in charge of planning and patterning at tao (tricot COMME des GARCONS). With his experience, he started the fashion brand “liroto” from the Fall / Winter 2018 and participated in the Tokyo Collection. In 2020, the designer became independent from the liroto team and launched his own eponymous brand in the Fall / Winter 2020

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